Sunday, October 4, 2009

October Fun

I'm sort of excited for fall. Not excited for the cold, but I love Halloween! I took Ash to see the Witches at Gardner Village. She really liked it, there was so much for the little kiddos to do. She got a balloon made into Ariel that was way cool, it was really neat to watch the balloon guy make it! We walked around and looked at the witches. My mom took us to eat at Archibalds, that place is super tasty! We didn't stay too long because I had to work in the afternoon, but it was lots of fun. Ash asks me everyday if it is Halloween yet, I think she is anxious to wear her Cinderella costume!


Ashlyn got her ears pierced last week, she was sooooo brave! I was thinking I would wait until she was maybe 5 but she insisted she get it done. Besides, she has been so good sleeping in her own bed, I thought I would do something special for her. We went to Claire's and picked out her earrings, I hadn't planned on doing it or anything, we just went in to look around and Ash saw the stand where the do it and she jumped right up into the chair. I picked out some little white gold "diamond" ones so they matched every outfit, cuz that's just how I am. Ash liked them too. She didn't cry when it was done, not until we were paying for the procedure and I wouldn't let her have something at the register. She was so excited to show her Grandma and Grandpa afterwards. Now she tells everyone to look at her "diamonds", it's really cute. Even fake ones are a girls best friend!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Christmas List

Ashlyn: Mommy, I know what else I want to put on my Christmas list for Santa!

Me: Oh, yeah?

Ashlyn: I want a bra! A kids one, not a big one like yours!

Me: Ummmmm, well, maybe next year.

She makes me laugh, all the time, especially when she comes up with stuff like this all on her own.