Saturday, September 19, 2009

Utah Sate Fair

I took Ash to the fair on Wednesday. We had a really good time but it sure was hot! And WOW very expensive. I should have figured that out before but it's been a while since I have been. Ash got to go on some rides and I even had to go on one with her cuz she was too short. Let's just say me riding in the back of a helicopter ride was a funny sight. I bought Ash some Dippin Dots, they are one of her most favorite treats. Then we relaxed and listened to a country band play. When we left Ashlyn was so tired, she was almost asleep before I got her buckled in her car seat.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

So Ash has slept in her bed for almost three weeks now! I think she has been sleeping better and I think she might actually like her bed now. Really, only two of the nights were horrible. I turned into a tired grumpy mom and I don't like feeling that way. But now, Ash hops in bed and of course I have to read and sings songs but once I leave she stays in for good. I think she is pretty proud of herself too. And I am proud of me for not giving in. Looks like I will be buying a bike for the little princess soon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School Daze

Well, I survived Ash's first day of Preschool. She woke up this morning all excited to go. We went to the orientation last week and she has been all sorts of excited all week. Every day she has asked if it it time to go yet. When we got there I thought she would be a little hesitant but she ran in, put her book bag in her locker and went and grabbed a name tag. The teacher remembered her name and that impressed me. So after a hug and kiss, I left. Then it was time for me all by myself. I went to Costco and that was really weird without Ash. My mom even commented on how weird it was to be shopping without her and there wasn't a little girl asking if she could have every toy in sight. After that I went home and it was way too quiet. I decided to be productive and I cleaned out the garage. On the way to pick her up I was so excited to see her. I got there about 15 minutes early and sat on the benches and waited outside where the "pick up" area is for parents. I chatted with a few of the other moms and waited not so patiently, and of course Ash was the last one out. She came running to me with a big hug and showed me her artwork that she was so proud of. And she can't wait to go again so I guess it was a hit!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am trying to get Ash to sleep in her own bed. It's hard because I work nights and it's not something I want to deal with when I get home. I just want to lay her down and then have ME time, cuz it's usually the only time I get my myself. And honestly, I don't mind her in my bed, she is very cuddly and wakes me up with loves and kisses. BUT, I know the longer I go with her in my bed, the harder it will be to get her into her own bed. She also has a very cute bedroom with a very nice bed that is just not being used at all.
She has slept in her bed the last three nights in a row. I promised her that if she does it for a few weeks she will get a big girl princess bike with a pink helmet, she only has a tricycle right now. I've also been doing little special treats for her every day.
The first treat was a trip to Jungle Jim's. I wanted that first day to be a big deal, so that "treat" was a little more expensive than the rest plan to be. She had a great time playing and going on the rides there.
Yesterday we went to Family Dollar and I let her pick out a couple of things. It didn't cost much, maybe five bucks is all.
Today after running some errands I took her to Burger King and let her eat inside. I don't know why this is exciting to her but it is.
Hopefully, she will get used to being in her bed fairly soon. I almost gave in last night when she woke up at 0430 but I held my ground and got her milk, let her go potty and made her get back in. I was so close to just putting her in my bed again.
So, I am trying again tonight! Wish me luck!


Lately, Ashlyn has been really into watching commercials on Nickelodeon and they are usually toys that she thinks she needs. Yesterday she saw a commercial for a Tinkerbell house.

Ash: Mom, buy me that!

Me: That's a pretty big toy, maybe you can ask for that for Christmas.

Ash: No, how bout Halloween instead?

Smart little girl, isn't she?