Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School Daze

Well, I survived Ash's first day of Preschool. She woke up this morning all excited to go. We went to the orientation last week and she has been all sorts of excited all week. Every day she has asked if it it time to go yet. When we got there I thought she would be a little hesitant but she ran in, put her book bag in her locker and went and grabbed a name tag. The teacher remembered her name and that impressed me. So after a hug and kiss, I left. Then it was time for me all by myself. I went to Costco and that was really weird without Ash. My mom even commented on how weird it was to be shopping without her and there wasn't a little girl asking if she could have every toy in sight. After that I went home and it was way too quiet. I decided to be productive and I cleaned out the garage. On the way to pick her up I was so excited to see her. I got there about 15 minutes early and sat on the benches and waited outside where the "pick up" area is for parents. I chatted with a few of the other moms and waited not so patiently, and of course Ash was the last one out. She came running to me with a big hug and showed me her artwork that she was so proud of. And she can't wait to go again so I guess it was a hit!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Awwww! First day of school is so fun!! Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL! I'm seriously jealous and hope mine will be as cute someday!! :)

thanks for stopping by my blog!! In answer to your comment though, I REALLY wouldn't mind a c-section if it's necessary, I just have a fear of surgery :) I'm not one of those people who is anti-c-section! Haha.