Monday, May 18, 2009


Today it was really warm so we put up a little pool in the backyard. The water was so cold. Ash tried insisisting it was warm. But she had fun!

Me: Honey, are you sure it's not too cold? You have goosebumps.

Ash: I don't have a goose bum, I have an Ashlyn bum!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Tiny Dancer

Ashlyn performed at her first dance recital last Tuesday. It was at Cottonwood High School auditorium and she did so good. I was really worried that she was just going to stand there and stare at the audience because it was her first time on a stage in front of people. I was such a proud Momma! Grandma, Grandpa, and Shay came to watch. We only stayed for the first half of the entire show and then went for dinner and ice cream after. I think Ash really enjoyed herself because she keeps asking me if she can dance on the stage again. Today we registered for summer dance and fall session. I can't wait for the next performance!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Ok, so I really, really suck at updating my blog. I think I spend too much blog stalking other blogs and than I feel like my life is a little boring and who wants to read about it?
So let's see, lots has been going on since my last post. We went to Disneyland to celebrate Ashlyn's 3rd birthday in March. We had an awesome time. It was the real vacation I've had in years and was totally worth the wait. We went to her birthday dinner at The Rainforest Cafe. It was tasty but I did not anticipate that Ash would be scared of the atmosphere. The animals move and they have a pretend lighting and rain storm. Ash ended up crying herself to sleep, it was sad. I think I made up for it later- I ordered a Tinkerbell birthday cake and had room service set it up in our room while we were gone. Overall, it was fun, the kids were well behaved and I definately want to do it again soon! And so does Ash, she keeps me telling me she is 4 now so we need to go to disneyland again.
Ashlyn also started dance in late February. She loves it and it's been good for her social skills. She adores her teacher Sarah and has to give her a hug and a kiss goodbye after each class. Her recital is coming up on May 12th and I am super excited. I hope she does ok, but I'm sure either way it will still be adorable!
Another milestone we have passed is Ash is now potty trained. It is so nice and such a relief! I feel bad I didn't do it sooner, but it's so hard to potty train and work full time. But it's over and done with and glad it's over.
I enjoyed a nice Mother's day today. We played outside because it was such nice weather. Then we had yummy BBQ for dinner and rode bikes afterwards. It was a good day and I'm glad I had it off from work to spend with my daughter and my mom.
Well, that's about it for now. I am going to try to update a little more often. But no promises!